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지구별에서 - Things Old and New
암스테르담 먹방 2019 - 2, La Casa di Micahel 이태리 식당 본문
암스테르담 먹방 2019 - 2, La Casa di Micahel
이 식당은 작년에 집에서 찾아 보고 갔던 집이다.
Vegetarian Pizza 한 판을 시켰더니 얌전하게 두 접시에 나누어 내 왔다.
출처: https://boris-satsol.tistory.com/1631 [지구별에서 - Things Old and New]
작년에는 피자를 주문해 먹었는데 이 집은 이태리 식당이라 다른 파스타 등 다른 음식도 있을 것이기에 갔다.
파스타를 먹을 생각이었으나 다른 해물 음식을 주문해 먹었다.
이런 것들이 따라 나오는 것을 알았다면 전채로 샐러드를 따로 시키지 않아도 됐을 터인데 많이 남겼다.
pasta 메뉴
Spaghettie alla Napoletana Spaghettie met tomatensaus Spaghettie with tomato sauce |
€ 7,50 |
Spaghettie Aglio e Olio Spaghettie met olie, knoflook en pepers Spaghettie with oil, garlic and spicy peppers |
€ 7,50 |
Spaghettie alla Bolognese Spaghettie met gehaktsaus Spaghettie with minced meat sauce |
€ 8,50 |
Pasta all' Arrabiata Pasta met een pittige tomatensaus Pasta with spicy sauce |
€ 8,50 |
Pasta al Pesto Pasta met basilicumsaus Pasta with basil sauce |
€ 8,50 |
Tortellini alla Panna Tortellini met roomsaus Tortillini with cram sauce |
€ 9,25 |
Tortellini della chef Tortellini met tomatoen, spek, champignons, kaas en roomsaus Tortellini with tomato, bacon, mushrooms, cheese and cream sauce |
€ 9,50 |
Penne ai Quattro Formaggi Pasta met vier verschillende soorten kaas Pasta with four different kinds of cheese |
€ 9,00 |
Lasagna Lasagna Lasagna |
€ 9,75 |
Canneloni al Forno Cannelonie gevuld met gehaktsaus uit de oven Canneloni filled with minced meat from the oven |
€ 9,50 |
Canneloni alla Ricotta Canneloni gevuld met ricotta kaas en spinazie uit de oven Canneloni filled with ricotta cheese and spinach from the oven |
€ 9,50 |
Spaghettie alla Carbonara Spaghettie met room, spek en ei Spaghettie with cream, bacon and egg |
€ 9,50 |
Spaghettie Sophia Lorene Spaghettie met tomatensaus en diverse groenten Spaghettie with tomato sauce and vegetables |
€ 9,50 |
Risotto ai Funghi Rijs met champignons Rice with mushrooms |
€ 9,00 |
Risotto alla Marinara Rijst met zeebanket Rice with seafood |
€ 9,75 |
Spaghettie alla Marinara Spaghettie met diverse vissoorten Spaghettie with seafood |
€ 9,75 |
Penne al Salmone Pasta met zalm en slagroom Pasta with salmon and cream |
€ 10,00 |
피자 메뉴
Foccacia Pizzabrood met olie, oregano en knoflook Pizzabread with oil, oregano and garlic |
€ 4,25 |
Margherita Tomaat en kaas Tomato and cheese |
€ 6,50 |
Salami Tomaat, kaas en salami Tomato, cheese and salami |
€ 7,50 |
Funghi Tomaat, kaas en champignons Tomato, cheese, artichokes and olives |
€ 8,25 |
Carciofi Tomaat, kaas, artisjok en olijven Tomato, cheese, artichokes and olives |
€ 8,25 |
Prosciutto Tomaat, kaas en ham Tomato, cheese and ham |
€ 8,25 |
Peperoni Diavolo Tomaat, kaas en pittige salami Tomato, cheese and spicy salami |
€ 8,25 |
Capricciosa Tomaat, kaas en champignons Tomato, cheese and mushroom |
€ 9,00 |
Gorgonzola Tomaat en gorgonzola kaas Tomato and gorgonzola cheese |
€ 9,00 |
Mozzarella Tomaat en mozzarella kaas Tomato and mozzarella cheese |
€ 9,00 |
Quattro Formaggi Tomaat en verschillende soorten kaas Tomato and different kinds of cheese |
€ 9,50 |
Mozzarella e Melanzane Tomaat, mozzarella kaas en aubergine Tomato, mozzarella cheese and eggplant |
€ 9,00 |
Quattro Stagioni Tomaat, kaas, ham, champignons, salami en artisjok Tomato, cheese, ham, mushrooms, salami and artishokes |
€ 9,50 |
Vegetariana Tomaat, kaas, artisjok, uien, paprika, olijven en champignons Tomato, cheese, artisjokes, onions, paprika, olives and mushrooms |
€ 8,50 |
Tonno Tomaat, kaas, tonijn en uien Tomato, cheese, tuna and onions |
€ 9,00 |
Hawaii Tomaat, kaas, ananas en ham Tomato, cheese, mineapple and ham |
€ 9,00 |
Marinara Tomaat, kaas en zeebanket Tomato, cheese and seafood |
€ 9,50 |
Bolognese Tomaat en gehaktsaus Tomato and meat sauce |
€ 9,50 |
Della Chef Tomaat, kaas, ham, salami, paprika en ei Tomato, cheese, ham, salami, paprika and egg |
€ 9,00 |
Calzone Dubbelgevouwen pizza met tomaat, kaas, salami, ham, paprika en champignons Double folded pizza with tomato, cheese, salami, ham, paprika and mushrooms |
€ 9,75 |
Visgerechten (seafood)
Calamari Fritti Gebakken inktvisringen Fried squid
€ 14,75 |
Salmone alla Griglia Zalm van de grill Grilled salmon
€ 14,75 |
Sardine alla Griglia Gegrilde sardine Grilled sardines
€ 13,75 |
Gamberoni alla Griglia Gegrilde garnalen Grilled king prawns
€ 15,00 |
Gaberoni all 'Aglio Garnalen met knoflooksaus King prawns with garglic sauce |
€ 17,00 |
다시 가서 피자나 파스타 종류를 먹어 볼 생각이다.
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